Mar 27, 2023Liked by Sean Hotchkiss

Thank you for your reply. Yes! to healing self first. Funny I wrote "heeling" first. I also hope that at the right time, someone important comes along to walk with you. I look forward to reading more about your journey. May the road rise up to meet you Sean!

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Thank you for the interesting article, sharing and being commented to growing. I see things through my own experience of course, so I could not help but notice you say "women" or as you referred to women it was always plural. "Ladies Man" struck me. As though "all the ladies" are there to sort through and apply to the wound. I felt that could be a problem. Looking at them from a distance. Close up we all know women aren't plural they are individuals/persons. Only an individual can comfort you, choose you and be a partner - not the whole species. The answer is not in being alone but to recognizing the sacred personhood of individual and that requires a depth of respect we must all work to master. It's easier to be alone than sacrifice ourselves to love. Love is an action not a feeling. It's putting another's well being before our own. If we can't prioritize the act of love we have may never find meaning for ourselves. I call that the sacred dichotomy. - Just my thoughts. All the best. GM

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The modern consumerist world makes us slaves to getting a quick distraction from what ails us.

Slowing down and getting to know and love who we really are with all our defects is the only way to find contentment and the joy of life.

Thank you for sharing your story.

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Thank you for sharing that. Most of us understand your pain in varying degrees. As we have an innate desire to connect with others. That's why solitary confinement is the worse punishment our society can inflict on someone. Wishing you success on your inner journey of discovery

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